How do I order?

If you have any ordering questions, or trouble accessing any of the information below, please send a detailed email to for assistance.

Orders are available both internationally and in the United States. Delivery can be done via email delivery, or via postal delivery domestic or international.

To order via credit card: (Product ID# 4874)
1-888-201-7131 (In the U.S.)
1-719-576-0115 (Outside the U.S.)

To order via online, check/money order, or fax:

Ordering Location #1 ->
Ordering Location #2 ->

(You can click either link above. If one order page is loading slow or if you encounter any delays, simply click the other link, as 2 ordering locations are provided for your convenience.).

How much does this cost?

The cost is only $29.95, and you also receive the FREE Easy Access electronic address book with it. All postal deliveries automatically include email delivery also so you do not have to wait for the delivery to arrive.

Shipping/Handling FREE via email delivery
$5.00 via U.S. Postal Mail
$7.00 via International Mail